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05/19/11 |
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River City Hypnosis
©2005/2006 River City Hypnosis
It's an easy trap to get caught in. We hear people all around us admitting they were trapped. We hear things like "I won't be happy until...", or "If they would just do that one thing, then I would be happy." Why do we give up control like that? Why is it up to someone or something else to decide how we should feel? One of the most common feelings of stress is the loss of control. Control of your life, of your emotions, of your feelings, of your situation. Well, if you give up control then why would you expect to have any? Lets just
focus for a minute on happiness. It truly is "your" emotion. It's "your"
feeling. Keep it. Control it yourself. Don't give away control to anyone or
anything. There is an old saying that happiness is a mode of travel, not a destination. Choose to be happy. Choose to be happy no matter what. It's your choice and you're in control. Know that your happiness is not dependent on anyone else and what they do. You control it. It is yours. You choose to be happy despite or regardless of what anyone else is doing because it is your choice to have the feelings and emotions that you choose to have. Choose happiness.
Do you have a resistance to positive thinking? Do you hear the voices inside your head telling you that there's no use, it's all a bunch of garbage, it wont make any difference because that's just the way it is? My advice to you is try it. What harm could it possibly do to shift your focus, your thinking, to the positive? It's free to change your mind and only takes effort on your part. Whether you believe it or not, try it. If you shift your focus, your thinking to that of positive outcomes and scenarios, you will begin to see positive changes in your life. Focus your thoughts on what you want to see in your life rather than what you don't want to see. Positive visualization is the basis of many successful peoples thought processes. Do you think Tiger Woods visualizes himself messing up the drive or hitting into the water? Does he listen to the voice that says "You're just going to mess this up like last time, you're no good at these shots". No. He sees himself making the great shots and sinking the long putt. He sees himself on the podium receiving the trophy. It's in your head. No one but you needs to know. Try it for awhile and watch the change. Positive thinking creates positive energy. Go ahead and try it. It's all good. Folks that have heard me speak on the topic of positive energy or even those used to reading this page of ponderings know that I put a great deal of importance on the power of positive thinking; the power of thought and of the law of attraction. In keeping with that topic I ask you to ponder the feelings of Christmas, the joy of this time of year. Could it be that the feelings of happiness, the warm fuzzies we get at this time of year are a result of the increase in positive energy that fills our world? What if we are; as I've said in the past, like a walking antenna picking up on the frequencies we are "tuned into"? Because we attract the energy we emit, as more of us feel the goodness of this time of the season, we begin to attract more of that same energy. We focus our antennae on what we broadcast. The feelings grow stronger and our reception grows clearer. Could it be that even those not tuned in eventually are overwhelmed by the amount of positive energy being broadcast that they too begin to receive? After all, that's the theme of many a fable, why even Ebenezer Scrooge was swayed by the indomitable Christmas spirit. Maybe this season is an example of how things can really be better if we all do our part to become positive. Maybe the wish that Christmas could last throughout the year is not that far fetched. It's something to ponder. Peace and Joy to you.
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